1. Lateral ankle ligaments

The most commonly injured ligaments in the human body are the lateral ligaments of the ankles. In fact, ankle sprains account for 3-5% of A & E visits in the UK which equates to +- 5600 incidences each day. The movement involved is called ankle inversion and is the primary mechanism of injury. Uneven surfaces, incorrect footwear and sports that are played on hard court surfaces are risk factors in this kind of injury. A significant tear of these ligaments may also result in an ankle fracture and this is why X-Rays are commonly taken to rule this out.

2. Medial collateral ligament of the knee

The most commonly injured knee ligament, the MCL is an important stabiliser of the knee and prevents valgus stress (a force pushing the knee inwards from the side). When valgus stress exceeds the ligament’s tensile strength, injury can occur. This kind of sprain is common in football with quick changes of direction and the possibility of tackles coming in from the side.

3. Anterior cruciate ligament of the knee

The big one! This ligament is well known and is a deep stabilising ligament of the knee. The mechanism of injury is one of the foot being planted and the knee turning excessively inwards. ACL injuries can heal with conservative treatment but complete tears usually require surgical reconstruction.